Rottentomatoes artikel New Moon har en lång artikel om New Moon där de skriver om handlingen, saker vi redan vet och hur saker och ting skulle kunna ske i New Moon.

In New Moon, we catch up with Bella and Edward a
few months after the proceedings of Twilight, in which
they met, fell desperately in love, kissed exactly twice,
and defeated the blood-thirsty vampire, James. (Hurrah!)
But the lovebirds' burgeoning relationship is not without
its flaws; she's still a fragile human, and he -- and, more
 importantly, those around him -- is still a super-strong,
undead hottie, whose razor-sharp teeth prevent them
 from French kissing and whose animalistic thirst for
 blood keeps Bella under threat of perpetual danger.
When an event makes Edward realize the danger his very
presence puts Bella in, he pulls an "it's not you, it's me -- oh yeah,
and the fact that I'm a vampire" and breaks off their relationship.

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