Rob lämnar Bellas hus

RobPattzNews på Twitter har bilder då Rob lämnar inspelningen från Bellas hus. Så cute!

Se hela "Slidshow" genom att trycka på bilden.

Rob intervju

Moviefone har en intervju med Robert där han pratar om bla New Moon och Taylor. *Läs mer genom att trycka på bilden.

10. What has been your craziest fan experience?

There was one quite weird thing, I was in a Blockbuster the other day, and I hadn't realized it was the day the ['Twilight'] DVD was coming out, and there were these two -- no one recognized me in that place -- and there were these two 8-year-old girls who turned up with their parents. They were picking up their preordered DVDs, and they were just shaking and crying just because they got their DVD. I thought that was pretty incredible, I hadn't seen anything like that before ... I mean, I have when it's in person, when it's meeting me. But just to pick up a DVD, that was kind of crazy.

11. What was your take on the whole Jacob casting drama? When it was possible that Taylor Lautner wasn't going to get the part.

It was weird. When I came back, I hadn't seen him in ages, hadn't seen him since the summer and when I saw him, I saw him just before he got casted, and he put on like 100 pounds! I was like "Jesus Christ! If he doesn't get it, it's ridiculous." But what are you going to do? There was a video of him on set the other day doing all these kind of fight stunts. That kid is incredible; he is one of the most stunning athletes I've ever seen in my life. I don't know, I think it'll be interesting. I haven't seen any of his stuff yet, but everyone's going a little bit crazy over him.

12. How's the energy on 'New Moon' compared to 'Twilight,' because for 'Twilight' no one was sure if it was going to do well and now, obviously ...

Yeah, it's scary. It's a very, very different experience. Last time we were just kind of ... it was so easy to get the entire cast together. We'd all have dinner almost every day and be able to talk about it freely and stuff. Now it's quite difficult to even leave the hotel. And all these random little stories become someway, somehow newsworthy, so you have to be very secretive about everything. Even if you want to just clarify something in the script or something. It's just strange. It's just very different ... It's very strange when you're aware of being observed, I guess.

Peter pratar med

Peter pratar med om vilka scener dom har gjort och annat smått och gott.

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So you have started filming?

Peter Facinelli: "We have started filming."

Where are you so far?

Peter Facinelli: "Well, nothing's shot in order but we've shot the…let's see…the birthday scene. We've shot that. And we've the voting scene. I'm not going to tell you what we all voted, but read the book. What else did we shoot? I shot stitching up Bella which was a lovely little scene. I pretty much mostly almost finished. I have a couple other shots to do in May and then we're done."

Have they added more Cullen family scenes?

Peter Facinelli: "You know, it's hard because when you're doing stuff that's based on a book, if you add too much that's not in there the fans don't like it. I think we're… There's always going to be creative interpretations of stuff. But as far as adding stuff, there's so much in it already, it's hard to add. You have a 500 page book that you've got to squeeze down to two hours."

But everyone wanted more of you guys in it.

Peter Facinelli: "Yeah. They're going to have to wait for the third one. We're more in the third and fourth for sure. I saw, which was really funny, I saw Stephenie Meyer at Disneyland. We went to Disneyland – just randomly went to Disneyland with my family and we both were eating dinner at the [Blue] Bayou restaurant, you know, Pirates of the Caribbean. And it was so odd. She walked over and I was like, 'This is too coincidental.' But, I should have told her, 'You know, why did you take the Cullens out of the second book so much?' I did tell her, 'You know what? I'm a little    upset I didn't get to go to Italy.' I said, 'Carlisle could have shown up in Italy.'"

Fandango intervjuar Robert!

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Fandango: There was the showy, intentionally bizarre public Dalí and then there is his art, which should be taken very seriously. Have you thought about that as it applies to your own work?

Pattinson: Yeah. He had a fanatical control over how he was perceived. But now it's really out of control – out of your control. Your public image just seems to be in the hands of faceless strangers. You see these stories come up all the time and you're like, “Jesus. How do you know…?”

Fandango: Is it harder playing a real person, as opposed to playing the fictional Edward Cullen who had his story laid out in black and white?

Pattinson: I think in a lot of ways it's kind of the same. You're still playing fiction even though you're playing a real character. It's the same kind of approximation of somebody. The only thing that you can take from the book is the general outline, the mood changes, the emotional changes and development. I'm not playing it exactly as it is in the book.

Fandango: Dalí was a famed surrealist and no doubt you’ve had your share of surreal experiences in the last few months – like fans screaming over cardboard cutouts of you at the video store.

Pattinson: I know! I was in a Blockbuster on the day it was being released. I had forgotten it was being released that day. There were two families who had come with eight- or nine-year old-daughters to get their DVD. They were standing in the line crying and I stood watching what all this commotion was about. They didn’t know I was there or anything. I was just thinking “Wow, you’re crying about a DVD.” It’s fascinating.

Fandango: And you never revealed yourself to them?

Pattinson: No way! [laughs]

Fandango: Do you and your castmates try to top each other with the wild post-fame encounters you’ve had?

Pattinson: In a lot of ways they are all quite similar. The funny thing is that I’m always going around trying to look as inconspicuous as possible I find that people are always really disappointed when they actually recognize me. They are like ‘”Oh! At first I thought you were a bum but then I realized who you were.”

Fandango: You’re just getting started shooting New Moon. How are things going?

Pattinson: The interesting thing about this one is that so much of my character is in Bella’s head. It’s based on a mixture of memories and nightmares. Bella thinks she is going mad. I get to do some really creepy stuff. In other words, Bella is really frightened of [her hallucinations]. It’s really, really different than Twilight. I think that a lot of people will be kind of scared by this one. I wanted to try and put that into Twilight but I couldn’t really find a way to make Edward scary.
New Moon

Fandango: How is working with the new director, Chris Weitz?

Pattinson: He’s a great guy. He’s very, very talented, and articulate. I guess it must be kind of stressful for him to take this on. It’s got so much expectation. He just seems very calm about everything.

"I Can't Live"- New Moon soundtrack?

Justin Guarini, som var med i American Idol säsong 1 har nu skrivit en låt till New Moon. Han skrev ett mail där de stog att
"I Can't Live" for the movie New Moon! I hope it makes the soundtrack!".

Bebis Robert!

E! har ett snabbt klipp med några bilder på Rob när han var liten. Så himla söt ju!

Cameron Bright intervju

The Vancouver Sun har en intervju med  (Alec) där han pratar om New Moon och om hur de ska bli att pussa Dakota Fenning på kinden.

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It's going to be kind of weird," admits the Nanaimo actor who confesses he had to be dragged to see Twilight, the first in a series of movies based on Stephenie Meyer's popular romantic teenage vampire novels.

"All the guys were saying, 'It's a chick movie,' but it was really good," Bright recalls. "I'm glad to be a part of it."

"Even if you're in it for five minutes, you're huge," says the Victoria-born actor who made his debut in a Telus commercial. "You're revered."

While he hasn't worked with Fanning, he met her at the Critic's Choice Awards in Los Angeles two years ago.

"She didn't know who I was, so when I introduce myself and go, 'Hey, do you remember me?' she'll probably say no," he says, adding he should get to know her quickly on the Vancouver set. "In our first scene I get to kiss her on the cheek."

Peter pratar med People

People har en intervju med Peter där han berättar om att han förendrar att filma senare på kvällen än sin unga "co-star". Han berättar också att han är så tacksam över alla fans.

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"I love night shoots. Everybody else is [tired] by like two, three in the morning, which is weird because I'm the old guy!" Facinelli tells PEOPLE at the Los Angeles premiere of Ghosts of Girlfriends Past on Monday night.

"They should be the ones that should be like party hardy all night long," jokes the 35-year-old of his young costars including Robert Pattinson, 22, Kristen Stewart, 19, and 17-year-old Taylor Lautner. "At five in the morning I was like, 'I could go another 10 hours!' And they were like, 'Crash!' "

Rob på Extra

Robert hälsning!

Här är en kort hälsning från Robert Pattison till alla hans fantastiska Norge fans.

Robert har huvudrollen i "Remember me"

Enligt Mtv har Robert tagit huvudrollen i kommande filmen Remeber me som handlar om "star-crossed lovers".

Pattinson will play the lead role in "Remember Me," a story of a young couple whose burgeoning relationship is complicated by a succession of family tragedies that test their bond, according to The makers of the film, which had previously been titled "Memoirs," have not yet settled on which actress who will play Pattinson's love interest.

Emmy-winning director Allen Coulter ("The Sopranos," "Damages") will direct, and Jenny Lumet, who penned the script for last year's critical darling "Rachel Getting Married," is working on a draft of the screenplay.

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Melissa Rosenberg pratar med E!

Melissa Rosenberg har pratat med E! om att Channing Tatum skulle passa perfekt som Riley i Eclipse. Hon pratade också om att behålla Roberts caraktär i filmen men ändå hålla sig till böckerna.

There’s a very big battle at the end with Riley, and I think Channing would do that so well,” Twilight and New MoonMelissa Rosenberg, who is currently writing the Eclipse script, told us this weekend at the Los Angeles Times screenwriter Book Festival benefit for the Writers Guild Foundation.

“And there are some complexities to that character,” she adds. “He really is tragic. He’s a puppet for Victoria [bad-girl vampire played by Rachelle Lefevre]. So he has to break your heart a little bit at the end when he realizes that she doesn’t want him. Channing could do that

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Nikki och Kristen i kändis dokumentär

 Mtv har en artikel och intervju med Nikki Reed om hennes brors dokumentär med henne och Kristen Stewart.


“My brother goes to UCLA, and he’s making a documentary right now called ‘The Glorification of Celebrities’,” revealed Nikki Reed when we spoke with her a little while ago, explaining a small film that will feature herself, Kristen Stewart and other young stars commenting on the newfound power and pressure bestowed on them practically overnight. “’Twilight’ will play a role in it, but it is just about [exploring]: What is the definition of being a celebrity now?

Walk up to any supermarket checkout these days and you’ll be inundated with tabloid headlines screaming about what RPattz is up to, who Nikki is dating, or what outrageous quote KStew supposedly let slip. But as they’ve gone from relative unknowns to magazine-selling celebs, Reed’s brother Nathan has been chronicling the rise of the “Twilight” phenomenon with his camera.


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Ny ET video

Här är en till ET video från igår. Lite bättre kvalite än den förra.

ET New Moon 3
Uploaded by officialspunkransom

Edi video and Kellan intervju

The Daily Telegraph har en kort video intervju med Edi Gathegi och en intervju med Kellan Lutz där han pratar om fansen.

Kellans intervju.

"And, bless their hearts, they come in these big groups and battle to give us the best presents, (like) candy, picture frames, flowers, baskets of stuff."

But it's not like the 24-year-old hasn't been bombarded by female fans, with some sending "scandalous" pictures and even attempting to chain themselves to his arm.

"They will come up and be like, I'm going to hand-cuff you," he said.

"Now that is not they way you are meant to do it - you've gotta just throw them on and lock 'em in."

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ET New Moon #2

Robert måste sjunga i New Moon också, liksom vem annars! *gråter*

Charlies polisbil!

Nu finns de bilder på Twilight Gossip på Charlie Swans polisbil och Bellas älskade truck. Motorcyklarna finns också med på bild! Vi har ju sett dom i Twilight men ändå, OME!

Se fler bilder på Twilight Gossip!

ET New Moon Coverage

*De finns några spoilers så titta inte om du inte vill*

Entertainment Tonight-New Moon


David Slade-Eclipse direkter

Summet Entertainment har nu bekräftat att David Slade kommer att bli den tredje delen av The Twilight saga, Eclipse directer.

Meyer sa, “I am thrilled that David Slade will be directing ECLIPSE. He's a visionary filmmaker who has so much to offer this franchise. From the beginning, we've been blessed with wonderful directorial talent for the Twilight Saga, and I'm so happy that ECLIPSE will be carrying on with that tradition.”

Rachelle in Vanocouver

Nu har den vackra Rachelle anlänt till Vancouver!

Intervju med Kellan Lutz

Dolly har en intervju med Kellan Lutz.

"I play Emmet Cullen, he's kind of like the big brother in the family, he really sees being immortal and being a vampire as a positive, unlike the other vampire family members who don't really. I mean they enjoy it in some aspects but Edward's really sentimental and wishes he could die or wishes he could be mortal again that’s why he doesn't want to change Bella. I'm the big goofy brother who likes to pick fights and just a have fun being a vampire."

Kristen and Rob? Oh Rob? I love that kid, I mean I have a lot of London friends, who are just different from American friends, you know - just how people relate and live their lives, so he's a rock star and just makes being around him so energetic and so much fun. Kristen is so mature and a brilliant actress and a brilliant person to communicate with and go out to dinner and hear her story and just goof around with.

Um, behind the scenes stories... the most fun one that comes to mind is when we had like really good weather, which is not good for us because we're vampires and we need to have the bad stormy clouds, you know - cloud coverage and we had no clouds for a couple of hours but we needed to do this outside shot, so Catherine had all the extras do a cloud dance! She fed them M&Ms to get them in the mood and gave them Redbulls and it was just really cool to have a director who, who's very hands on and would get in there and get dirty.

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Första bild på vargflocken!

                      Nu har första bilden på vargflocken kommit!

"They had to have papers that proved their heritage," says director Chris Weitz, who was the one who insisted on hiring within the community. "And they had to be in good physical shape."

Läs mer om skådespelarna som är med i Vargflocken här.

Melissa Rosenberg about Breaking Dawn

EW har en kort liten intervju med Melissa Rosenberg.

"The most I've heard from Summit is 're-read it and start thinking about it,'" says Rosenberg, who is completing her show-running duties on the fourth season of the Showtime series Dexter. More telling, she hasn't yet received one of the manifestos Meyer famously puts together before Rosenberg begins turning one of her books into a movie. Another source is also skeptical that Summit is far along in developing a fourth film. "As far as I know, Stephenie was still having meetings asking, 'Can we really make this into a movie?'"

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Bella's "cliffdiving" scean

De är nu bekräftat att denna plats är där dom spelar in bellas "cliffdiving" scean.

In this scene, Bella jumps off the cliff, a flash of Victoria is seen in the background, and Bella plunges into the ocean and sees Edward’s “face” underwater. She is then rescued by Jacob.

The crew had set up a complex special effects scene at the public outdoor pool with a number of layered green screens set up high above the pool. They also used a number of cranes and rigs to help block out the direct sunlight (it was bright and hot today).

Security was tight again, and no one could see into the pool, but fans saw Taylor Lautner who came out to sign autographs and take photos. When Amy and I got there, we saw Kristen Stewart walk into the pool set shielded by umbrellas from fans.

Läs mer här på Vancity Allie

Cameron Bright (Alec) intervju

Nikki ankommer till LAX

Rob i Vancouver

Lainey har några bilder på Rob när han är ute och svänger i Vancouver med sina häftiga brillor.

Såklart gick jag och köpte likadana brillor som honom :P

Ms. Swans hus

TwilightGossip har flera jättefina bilder på den underbart vackra Ms.Swans hus.

Ny Kristen Stewart intervju

Kirsten Stewart is Hollywood's reluctant star, refusing to follow in the predictable footsteps of Paris, Britney, Lindsay and the industry's other leading pretty young things.

Screams from frantic, obsessed young female fans of last year's blockbuster vampire fantasy film Twilight follow Stewart when she steps out in public but instead of inciting the frenzy by attending red-carpet events and nightclub openings, the 18-year-old with the gorgeous green eyes chooses to stay at home and read abook.

Her Los Angeles home is not a mansion in the Hollywood Hills despite her pocketing $US2million ($2.7million) for Twilight and a reported $US4 million for the sequel, New Moon, set for release in November.

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The Cullens & Bella säger Hej på italienska

The Cullens och vår kära bella säger hej på italienska.

Ciao bella volterra!
Inviamo un grande saluto a tutti i nostri meravigliosi fans italiani!
De parte di tutti noi qui dal set di New Moon. Vi amiano!
Ciao vackra Volterra!
Vi skickar en stor hälsningar till alla våra fantastiska italienska fans.
De delar av alla oss här den uppsättning New Moon.

"The Vampires" klara med filmningen?

Twicrack har en raportt om att de flesta "The Vampires" är klara med filmingen.

"We met kellan this afternoon and he confirmed this is the last night of filming [at the Cullen House]. He leaves out tomorrow morning along with Esme and Dr. Cullen(Gozde: I think she means Peter Facinelli and Elizabeth Reaser :) ). Rob is leaving soon too (sounded like this weekend) and heading to london for 1 week before going to Italy to resume filming."

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Kellan och Peter skojjar med Paparazis

Im Not Obsessed har bilder på Kellan och Peter  på Lax airport i Vancouver när dom skojar runt med papparatzis och låtstas läsa New Moon.

Se fler bilder här

Foton och video på the Cullen house

Twiligth Gossip har bilder och en video på "The Cullen house". Klicka på bilden för att se flre på TwiligthGossip.

Heraldsun intervju med Ahsley Green har en intervju med Ashley Green där hon pratar om henne och Jackson Rathbones relation...
För att läsa hela tryck på bilden.

"I'm still getting used to the go, go, go Hollywood lifestyle which has definitely thrown me into a realm where I'm struggling a little bit," says Greene, who was a fan of the books long before she auditioned for the role of Alice.

"As an actor you want people to know you and there are times you want your pictures taken, but it's unnerving to walk out of a venue with friends and there are 20 people flashing lights in your face. Do you know how bright those lights are?"

Along with her newfound fame and unending attention, Greene says her biggest challenge has been learning the black art of time management and juggling the constant flow of meetings and engagements.

While speaking with Play, Greene is packing before heading off on a further overseas trip, this time to London before starting filming on the second Twilight film, New Moon.

"I'm definitely learning about this whole time management thing," she says. "I've gone from having a regular job that started at nine and finished at a set time, to running around, going to meetings and rehearsals, flying here and flying there, all the while trying to have a social life -- and furnish my home. It's amazing, but I'm still getting used to it."

But the Twilight phenomenon just gets bigger and bigger and, despite the film's mixed reviews (see ours on Page 6), when the DVD hit shops in the US on March 27 more than three million fans snapped up copies in 24 hours, earning the Twilight DVD a spot in the top five first-day DVD earners of the past two years.

Greene's role in the film may also have found her love -- with her on-screen husband, of all people.

The chemistry between Greene and on-screen partner Jasper Hale (played by best-friend Jackson Rathbone) has lead to rumours the two are dating."


Christian Serratos är klar med filmningen

Christian Serratos har skrivit på sin Myspace blogg att hon är klar med filmningen.

"I am finished filming New Moon. It was great to see everyone one again! Chris Weitz was great! I can't believe that I have been so fortunate to have worked with such talented people in such a short time. Stephenie, Catherine, Chris and more.
I am so grateful! This time around I felt more comfortable letting the team know that when I was dressed as Angela,  I and Angela would prefer to be dressed animal cruelty free and they obliged.

Bilder och video av Bellas hus

Twilight-Gossip har några bilder och en video av Bellas hus i Vancouver.

Alex Meraz pratar om New Moon

Alex Meraz (Paul) pratar med Access Hollywood om New Moon.

Cleavver Tv om The Volturi guards och leders

Nya New Moon set bilder!

LaineyGossip finns nu mer set bilder från New Moon. Klicka här för att se dom större.

  Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on set of New Moon Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on set of New Moon Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on set of New Moon Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on set of New Moon Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on set of New Moon  

Här kan ni se ännu mer set bilder från Popsugar.

ET onlines trailer om New Moon show

Et online har en trailer om deras komande New Moon show som startar 23 April. Den kommer innehålla New Moon cast bilder och massor av intervjuer med skådespelarna.

Entertainment Tonights update om New Moon cast

Entertainment Tonight har en har en update list för The New Moon cast.

Also rejoining the movie are Ashley Greene as Alice, Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Elizabeth Reaser as Esme, Kellan Lutz as Emmett, Nikki Reed as Rosalie, Jackson Rathbone as Jasper, Edi Gathegi as Laurent, Rachelle Lafevre as Victoria and Billy Burke as Charlie Swan.

New cast members include the legendary Volturi, a venerable coven of vampires who weigh and impose the laws of the vampire world, as well as two new members of the Quileute Indian Nation. The Volturi include Charlie Bewley as Demetri, Jamie Campbell Bower as Caius, Daniel Cudmore as Felix, Christopher Heyerdahl as Marcus, all Volturi enforcers. Dakota Fanning plays Jane, a high ranking and powerful Volturi member and Cameron Bright is Alec, her brother. Noot Seer plays Volturi member Heidi. Michael Sheen plays Aro, the Volturi leader. Graham Greene appears as Harry Clearwater, Quileute tribal leader and old friend of Bella’s father Charlie. Tinsel Korey is Emily, the fiancé of Sam Uley.

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Aro-Michael Sheen

DailyMail har en artikel om den brittiska skådespelaren Michael Sheen och om att han har fått rollen som Aro.

Now actor Michael Sheen is set to return to the realm of the firmly
fictional after agreeing to play a vampire in the sequel to the blockbuster
film Twilight.

Sheen, 40, who made his name with uncannily realistic portrayals of
well-known figures in Oscar-winning films The Queen, Frost/Nixon
and The Damned United, will get his biggest pay cheque yet, a reported
£5million, to star in New Moon.

 Klicka på bilden för att läsa hela

5 anledningar varför Twilight och New Moon är så populära.

På DeadBolt finns en artikel skriven av Larson Hill om varför Twilight och New Moon är så populära.

When you step back and objectively take a look how popular the Twilight franchise has become, it's interesting to see how much the Stephenie Meyer based saga is benefiting from how connected we now are as a people. Networks like Twitter and Facebook (to name only two of hundreds) bring together Twilight fans in so many ways that weren't available in years past. On the flip side of the Twilight coin, with its sequel New Moon currently filming in Vancouver, the Twilight Saga is also being marketed to fans through various social networks at the same time.

Unlike years past, when fans gathered solely in fan website message boards and chat rooms to talk about their favorite movie franchise, there's a new relationship between fans and movie studios that we've never seen before. Also, Twilight actors like Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and Nikki Reed have become much more accessible to their fans than most actors at any other time in the history of Hollywood. And when you take into consideration the social video movement on networks like YouTube, Metacafe, and iMeem, and the many fan-made video expressions of their love for Twilight and New Moon, it's not that difficult to understand why Twilight has "all of a sudden" become so popular. Although it may seem like the hype and buzz surrounding Twilight and New Moon is out of hand, it’s much more organic than we think.

Läs hela genom att klicka på bilden.

Kristen Stewart 19!

Grattis till den bästa Kristen Stewart som fyller 19 idag! 

Interneten kronglar så jag kommer uppdatera så ofta jag kan även om de är dagar sent... Sorry..

Anna, Christian, Justin och Michael kommer till Vancouver

I tisdags så anlände Anna Kendrick (Jessica), Christian Serratos (Angela), Justin Chon (Eric) och Michael Welch (Mike).
De verkar då vara dags att filma skol scenerna, Port angeles mm.

Sry för lite senare uppdatering de är så att Interneten här uppe i bergen är lite seg och funkar inte alltid.

Dossiers Journal på E! news

E! news har ett klipp där de visar Rob’s Dossier Journal photoshoot, de ger oss glimtar på några fler bilder som kommer vara med i tidningen.

Här är bilderna från Dossiers Journal photoshoot som kommer ut sen April tidig Maj.

Forks High-David Thompson Secondary School

Nu är de bekräftat att David Thompson Secondary School är där de kommer spela in New Moon.

The halls and cafeteria at David Thompson have been redecorated
to resemble the high school at Fork Washington, where the Twilight
stories take place.

Forks High Spartans flags, banners and trophies (in a fake trophy case)
were brought in to complete the look.

Läs mer på Vancouver sun

Twittrar om New Moon

Thea Andrews från Entertainment Tonight har fått besöka New Moon inspelningenoch göra intervjuer med skådelspelarna och resten av "the crew".

6:30 AM Apr 6th: Just landed in Vancouver for top secret set visit…..ET first on the set that everyone is trying to get on!

18 timmar sen: On the set of Twilight sequel New Moon in top secret Vancouver location. Just ran into Kristen and Taylor - Rob on his way!

12 timmar sen: Rob more charming than you can imagine. Candid, warm and very, very funny. Can’t wait for fans to see this interview.

12 timmar sen:
Found out how we’ll see more of Edward in the movie than the book - it sounds amazing!

42 minuter sen:
Taylor Lautner - super buff! The long hair is back and it really works. Got the scoop on how the wolf pack bonded and whether he’s dating.

Läse hennes Twitter klicka här

BTW så har Vancouver Sun bekräftat att Stephenie Meyer besöker NM inspelningen.
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Volterra, Montepulchano och ett tidigt Grattis!

Tyvär så är de så att jag kommer inte kunna skriva på 2 dagar efter som jag ska till Italien imorgon men vi ska fixa så vi har internet där senast på Torsdag och jag kommer skriva ikapp mig.

När jag ändå är inne på Italien resan kan jag berätta att under min resa i Italien så ska jag åka till Volterra (där New Moon boken utspelar sig) och också Montepulchano (där New moon filmen kommer spelas in). Jag kommer ta massor av bilder på båda kyrkorna och runt om i bakgatorna som jag sedan lägger upp i bloggen.

Jag ska också ta bilder på mig lutande mot kyrkans högra sida precis som Edward och nudda väggen som förhoppningsviss Robert Pattinson kommer ta på när dom spelar in filmen.

Ha en underbar påsk och jag kommer som sagt börja uppdatera igen senast på Torsdag och juste innan jag glömer.

Om jag mot förmodan inte skulle kunna blogga på Torsdag så vill jag önska Kristen Stewart Grattis på fördelsedagen för hon fyller nämligen 19 år den 9 April.

Kellan Lutz pratar om Rob på Acciocon

The Sudbury Stars artikel med Kristen Stewart

The Sudbury Star har en kort artikel med Kristen Stewart där hon bl.a pratar om New Moon och Twilights skillnader.

"There's actually a lot more to work with. The second movie is much more quaint. The first one
was about ultimate love and abandon,
and that was good, but it's kind of one-note. This one's
a different story."
In other words, it's the one where blood-slurping boy loses girl as

small-town teenager Bella Swan (Stewart) and conflicted vampire

Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) split up. Complicating matters

further is the emergence of a romantic rival: Bella's childhood friend

-- and sensitive werewolf -- Jacob (Taylor Lautner) who lends a furry

shoulder to cry on.

"A lot more is introduced. The whole world of the werewolves is coming

alive," Stewart says. "Edward leaves her, which is interesting since the

whole first movie is based on their devotion to each other. So to see them

cope without each other and to see this character, Jacob, who is supposed

to represent light and warmth, pull her out of a rut ... it's really tragic. I can't

wait to see Taylor's face when I tell him, 'It's him, it's always been him.' "

Rottentomatoes artikel New Moon har en lång artikel om New Moon där de skriver om handlingen, saker vi redan vet och hur saker och ting skulle kunna ske i New Moon.

In New Moon, we catch up with Bella and Edward a
few months after the proceedings of Twilight, in which
they met, fell desperately in love, kissed exactly twice,
and defeated the blood-thirsty vampire, James. (Hurrah!)
But the lovebirds' burgeoning relationship is not without
its flaws; she's still a fragile human, and he -- and, more
 importantly, those around him -- is still a super-strong,
undead hottie, whose razor-sharp teeth prevent them
 from French kissing and whose animalistic thirst for
 blood keeps Bella under threat of perpetual danger.
When an event makes Edward realize the danger his very
presence puts Bella in, he pulls an "it's not you, it's me -- oh yeah,
and the fact that I'm a vampire" and breaks off their relationship.

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Twilight Soundtrack #1 på ITunes..igen!

Hurra Hurra vi gjorde de!

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Robert-One of the sexiest Foreign Superstars

Fox news har valt att ge Robert Pattinson en plats på "One of the sexiest Foreign Superstars".

London-bred actor Robert Pattinson went unnoticed in
“Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” where he had a
small role, before his hit “Twilight” put his smoldering
stare on the covers of all the gossip magazines.

Läs mer om detta här

Mer New Moon set bilder

Twilight-Gossip har nu lagt ut bilder på vad de tror kommer vara Forks Highschools parkering!

I am pleased to announce that earlier today my husband
and I have found the set where they will be recreating the
outside parking lot of Forks High School.

Below is the picture of the set that we found that will be
used for the exterior scene of New Moon. Under that
image is a picture of the actual school used in the twilight movie.

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Mer Edward scener i New Moon

För er som undrar hur vi kan få se mer Edward i New Moon men ändå hålla oss till boken får vi några ledtrådar från InTouch magazine. Ashley Green och Gathegi bekräftar att de kommer finnas mer Edward scener i New Moon för alla fans.
Den största överraskningen är "flittering image", som var bara hans röst i boken.

“If you think he’s not going to be in the movie, you’re going to pleasantly surprised,” Edi Gathegi, who plays vampire Laurent, tells In Touch, Ashley Greene, who plays Edward’s sister Alice, seconds that emotion. “Of course they threw Rob in there!” she tells In Touch.

“He comes in as a flittering image to tell Bella not to do anything reckless, you have him at the beginning at school, at the party, when he’s saying goodbye to Bella and in Italy as well, so his fans will get their fix!”

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Forks high i Canada

I Twilight filmen spelades Forks highschool in i Kalama highschool som ligger nära riktiga Forks. Nu när de spelar in New Moon i Vancouver måste de hitta ett nytt ställe.

En tjej på IMBD skriver. Läs mer här

Well, there’s a movie gonna be filmed at my school, but they are keeping it secret.

So far they have closed off half of the cafeteria and added giant blue pillars and they have changed the hallway lights into a light blue tint. I go to [redacted] in Vancouver Bc, exactly where it says they are filming.

Even more proof is that they are not telling any students what movie it is, which means they are trying to keep it secret(perhaps because its a big movie, like maybe, New Moon?).

Later on, she found even more proof that the movie is in fact New Moon–

Well I have further proof. They have added round tables.

Another thing they have done is add country flags in the Cafeteria.

Anyways I have 100% proof they are filming New Moon here.

There was a shirt that said “Forks High” That they put into the trophy case at the front, but when I saw, the crew member quickly hid it with a purple blanket and covered it up, then they locked the case. Its like they were… hiding something. lol.

I’m not going to share the link, in deference to the school from being overwhelmed by fans, and as such please do not post the specific location in the comments if you know it.

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Rösta på Twilight

Ett tag sen sa jag ju att Twilight var nominerad som "bästa film" och nu kan man på PopStar rösta.
För att rösta måste man registera sig på hemsidan men de är de lugnt värt!

Catherine Hardwicke Tackar dig!

Twilight-The directers Note book av Cateherine Hardwickesom inehåller alla de härliga "Behinde scenes" bilder och texter på hur filmen skapades har nu hamnat på nr.1 hos Sunday’s New York Times best-seller list.
Därför vill nu Catherine tacka alla Twilight fans för deras suport för filmen. Läs mer här.

Kristen är stolt över Twilight men..

Några dagar sen så gjorde USA TODAY en artikel baserat på en intervju dom hade med henne.

"I'm really proud of Twilight. I think it's a good movie. It was hard to do, and I think it turned out pretty good. But I don't take much credit for it. So when you show up at these places, and there's literally like a thousand girls and they're all screaming your name, you're like, why? You don't feel like you deserve it."

One person who thinks Stewart did contribute a lot to Bella is Twilight author Stephenie Meyer. The character is regarded by some as overly passive, letting her vampire paramour take control, but Meyer says Stewart, currently shooting series sequel New Moon, gives the character an inner forcefulness.

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Ashley Green pratar om New Moon och Robert

We couldn't wait to see Ashley Greene's reaction to our vintage copy of bliss - starring a baby faced R Patz!

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