David Slade hittar "Newborn hideout and battlefield”

David Slade har uppdaterat sin twitter och han har börjat leta efter ställen att filma Eclipse på. Han säger "found Newborn hideout and battlefield finally.” Han hittade också ställen som han inte tänker filma på ink dem här nedan.

Vad tycker ni, passar de bra?

Melissa Rosenberg om New Moon och Eclipse

HitFix har gjort en intervju med Melissa Rosenberg som skriver manus till The Twilight Saga.

Q: Does writing the sequels present a whole different set of challenges than writing the ‘Twilight’ script?

Yeah, because in ‘Twilight’ you’re setting up the world. You’re introducing the world and you’re introducing characters and I was also writing in a vacuum because I didn’t know who the actors were going to be. Now, you’re going to ‘New Moon’ and ‘Eclipse,’ I could write [the characters] in my mind so it becomes a more comfortable world, you know? So, ‘New Moon’ is not about setting up the world, but it’s about it’s own set of challenges because ‘New Moon’ is very internal. I mean all of those…there’s a lot of talk about how Edward and the Cullen’s are not a part of whole middle of ‘New Moon’ but actually they really are. Certainly Bella’s very much alive in…I’m sorry Edward’s very much alive in Bella’s mind throughout ‘New Moon.’ As a reader you feel his presence. You feel that helping drive that story. Harder to do in film, you know? You have to somehow find his presence and bring it there without having thought bubbles constantly. And I think the solution is going to satisfy fans. It’s going to be very much in keeping with the book and the tone of the book. So I think it would be interesting to see how I think fans will be feel pretty satisfied with what we’re doing. One, because it’s true to the book and two because we see more Edward. So that can’t be bad.

Q: Are there a few direct quotes from the book?

What’s really hard is that I lose track of what’s the book and what’s me because my job to immerse myself in it and so I really lose track of what’s Stephanie and what’s me. But what I try to do as much as possible is use things directly from the book because I think there’s moments where the fans here that line, that classic line or whatever it is I try as much as possible to stay and sometimes you get kicked because a screenplay is 110 times [shorter than a novel.] Jacob is a great deal of fun to write. Charlie — Billy Burke is someone who you just can give a line to, you can give him a deep emotional line or a funny one-liner–this guy can deliver anything and always bring something new to it. And Emmett, I love writing Emmett as well. So obviously more offhand funny kind of characters…

David Slade har läst Stephenies antekningar

David Slade har updaterat sin Twitter där han skriver att han har läst Stephenies antekningar om Eclipse.

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Billy Burke har fått sitt Eclipse manus

Billy Burke skrev på sin twitter att han har för 5 dagar sedan fått sitt manus till Eclipse! Juhu!

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Xavier Samuel har fått rollen som Riley

Nu är de bekräftat att Xavier Samuel har fått rollen som Riley i Eclipse!

"A representative from Summit Entertainment has confirmed the truth to reports from yesterday that Xavier Samuel was castThe Twilight Saga: Eclipse's Riley.

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Eclipse filmnings datum

Production Weekly har nu uppdaterat sin twitter och enligt dom så kommer Eclipse inspelningen börja den 17 augusti  och ska vara klar den 31 oktober. David Slade verkar köra på för fullt!

Bild lånad från TwilightSweden här

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Q'Orianka Kilcher som Leah Clearwater?

Twilight Source har gjort en intervju med Q’Orianka Kilcher som har gjort en audisen för Leah Clearwater. Ända sedan Eclipse kom ut har fans föreslagit att just Q'Orianka ska spela Leah. Vad tycker ni om att hon spelar Leah?

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Bellas hus från New Moon är skyddat

Det huset som de byggde som Bellas hus i New Moon har de nu täckt över med plast och som jag skrev tidigare i inlägget här så har de också satt upp taggtråd så ingen kan komma och förstöra huset eller så till Eclipse.

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David Slade om Eclipse

FearNet.com har intervjuat David Slade om Eclipse och han berättar att de kommer hålla sig som boken är vilket är skitbra!! (Ursäkta språket).

What will differ about Slade’s Twilight? “I don’t really know. We haven’t even started shooting yet.” While the director says he has a basic idea of what he wants to do with it, he is more concerned with telling a good story than being “different.” “It is darker, and there is a lot more action than the previous two,” he admits. “The third book is from Bella’s point of view, but the film will be more objective.” And just how will he do that? “We are going to focus on the origin stories of several characters, like Jasper, and show how Bella will decide between Edward and Jacob.”

David didn’t read the books until the studio was interested in bringing him in – then he did his homework. “It was tough for a middle-aged man to get into,” he admits, “from the point of view of a 17 year old girl. But once I got past that, I found them to be really good stories.” He is especially excited about the great script from Dexter writer/producer Melissa Rosenberg. Right now, they are still in preproduction, with plans to start shooting later in the year.

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Jackson Rathbone längtar till Eclipse

TeenMagazine frågade Jackson Rathbone varför de inte filmade så mycket av hans bakgrund i New Moon filmen. Han svarar dom med detta.

“Well it doesn’t really come out too much in the book. It’s one of those things were it’s understood but in the third book it really comes out like the back story and everything.

“I think one of the things we didn’t want to get too much into was focusing on all the other vampires.

“We wanted really to establish this relationship and how she (Bella) gets sucked into the world of the Cullen family and once she’s in the world that’s when things kind of start coming out.

“One of the things about Jasper is he doesn’t use the ability all the time. It’s something that he’s very strict about using because it’s like an invasion of privacy to make someone feel something, to manipulate emotions.”

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Bellas hus har 24/7 övervakning

Det som Chris valde att använda som Bellas hus i New Moon har just nu massor av 24/7 övervakning och stängsel. Dom vill väll behålla de tills Eclipse filmar vilket passar utmärkt ju!

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Jakten på Maria, Bree och Royce har börjat

Enligt Lainey Gossip så har ännu mer caraktärer blivit tillagda på listan som de söker efter. Sökte på TwiWIki och letade upp beskrivningar på Maria, Bree och Royce King.

"Anyway, postings for Maria, Bree, and Royce King are also now active. Quick Google check tells me that Royce King is the dude who raped Rosalie. So presumably Rosalie gets a flashback scene. Don’t lie Twi-hards. I know you care about this.

Maria-”Maria found Jasper during the Southern vampire wars. At this point, Jasper was a major in the Confederate Army, and Maria was looking for humans that she could turn to vampires to create a newborn army, using the idea pioneered by Benito. After turning Jasper, she found that he was extremely useful to her, because he was able to control the emotions of the vampires around him, and make them work together. In Eclipse, Maria is described as a tiny brunette with a soft and musical voice that has a tendency to be sharp. She was able to control her thirst, though she still preyed humans’ blood. ”

Bree-”Bree was created by Victoria as part of her newborn vampire army to avenge James’ death. She never saw Victoria, as her “assistant”, Riley, was the one who told the newborns what to do. Bree was described as beautiful and slender with short dark hair to her chin and glowing blood red eyes. She was also very young, around the age of 15 and the height was around 5′1″ and 5′3″. When she screams Bree has a high, shrill voice.

Royce King–”Royce King II was a human who lived during the time of the Great Depression. He was engaged to Rosalie Hale for a short period of time before being killed by her. He is perceived as being quite out-spoken but is liked by Rosalie because of her vanity.”

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Tom Felton som Riley?

Tom Felton som spelar Drako Malfoy i Harry Potter har nyligen uppdaterat sin Twitter om en märklig sak.
Han skriver att folk frågar honom om han har fått rollen som Riley i Eclipse men de är inte ett helt nej vi får som svar...
Jag tycker att han liknar den Riley jag har föreställt mig på något sätt ialla fall..

Läs hans twitter här

Jakten på skådespelare till Eclipse har börjat

Marc Malkin från E! Online rapporterar idag att jakten på nya skådespelare för Eclipse har börjat. Han har sett en beskrivining till David Slate på hur några av de nya skådespelarna ska se ut. Nu börjar det!

Riley “is a handsome, blond, clean-cut college boy who falls victim to Victoria,” the notice reads. He’s in his early to mid 20s and “plays an integral role in Victoria’s attempt to murder Bella Swan.”

There are two more members of the Quileute tribe and La Push wolf pack in Eclipse. Like New Moon, they are looking for Native American or First Nations actors to fill the roles.

“Seth Clearwater is a “tall, gangly-limbed boy with a huge, happy grin,” the notice reads. “Seth idolizes Jacob.”

Seth’s big sister is 19-year-old Leah Clearwater and the only female member of La Push: “She is tall and slender with beautiful skin and short cropped black hair. She would be considered gorgeous if not for the perpetual scowl she carries due to a broken heart and her anger issues.”

There will also be additional members of the La Push wolf pack and Quileute tribe cast in Eclipse. Like New Moon, they are looking for Native American or First Nations actors ONLY to fill these roles - no actors who “look like they could be” Native American or First Nations people.


Melissa Rosenberg om David Slade

Melissa Rosenberg säger på sin Face Book att hon tycket David Slade kommer passa perfekt som Eclips ressigör.

Läs mer på hennes Facebook genom att trycka på bilden

Melissa Rosenberg pratar med E!

Melissa Rosenberg har pratat med E! om att Channing Tatum skulle passa perfekt som Riley i Eclipse. Hon pratade också om att behålla Roberts caraktär i filmen men ändå hålla sig till böckerna.

There’s a very big battle at the end with Riley, and I think Channing would do that so well,” Twilight and New MoonMelissa Rosenberg, who is currently writing the Eclipse script, told us this weekend at the Los Angeles Times screenwriter Book Festival benefit for the Writers Guild Foundation.

“And there are some complexities to that character,” she adds. “He really is tragic. He’s a puppet for Victoria [bad-girl vampire played by Rachelle Lefevre]. So he has to break your heart a little bit at the end when he realizes that she doesn’t want him. Channing could do that

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David Slade-Eclipse direkter

Summet Entertainment har nu bekräftat att David Slade kommer att bli den tredje delen av The Twilight saga, Eclipse directer.

Meyer sa, “I am thrilled that David Slade will be directing ECLIPSE. He's a visionary filmmaker who has so much to offer this franchise. From the beginning, we've been blessed with wonderful directorial talent for the Twilight Saga, and I'm so happy that ECLIPSE will be carrying on with that tradition.”

Eclipse rykte...

Nu är de så att jag sa tidigare att Jaun Antonio Bayona skulle vara Eclipse regissör men La Times säger att de bara är ett rykte.

Feig was shocked to see the media reports saying Summit had hired Bayona, since — ahem — they’re not true. “The ‘Eclipse’ directing job hasn’t been offered to Juan Antonio or anyone else,” he told me. “We’ve met with three or four talented filmmakers and we’ll be meeting with three or four more other candidates before we make any decision. No one has been offered the job.”

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Juan Antonio Bayona-Eclipse Regissör?

Ett rykte är att Juan Antonio Bayona kommer vara Eclipse Regissör. Nikki Finke från Deadline Hollywood har skrivit detta.

"I can confirm that Summit Entertainment is telling Hollywood privately that Juan Antonio Bayona will direct Eclipse"

Han är en spansk regissör och en av hans filmer är Barnhemmet. Realise datumet för Eclipse är 30 Juni 2010 Usa.

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