Nathan från Meede träffade Stephenie Meyer

Nathan från bandet Meese har skrivit en intresant grej om att han träffade Stephenie Meyer.

Hi guys, Nathan here. Now for something that you probably didn’t know about Ben and me. We’re into Twilight. Like IN TO it. It started when we were visiting our record label almost a year ago and they had a bunch of copies of the book laying around and I needed something to read on the airplane on the way back to Denver. Anyways – it was one of those obsessed-at-first-page type scenarios where I didn’t put the book down for two days and two nights until it was completely absorbed by my eyes and my brain. If you’d of told me earlier in my life that I’d be reading vampire love story saga I’d call you crazy, but sometimes life throws you curveballs…

So I finished ‘Eclipse’ (the third book) about a week ago before a show with Copeland in Cali. I bought ‘Breaking Dawn’ (the last one) at the airport in San Francisco before I flew home to Denver to play a show. Yadda yadda we’re playing our first show with The Fray in Phoenix two nights ago and I had been reading the in the dressing room and got to page 120 or something like that when all of a sudden some says in passing really nonchalant “Yeah, the Twilight author, Stephenie Meyer is gonna be here tonight”. Then I had this split second indecision of “Should I try to play it cool and act like I meet super famous genius writers all the time? OR should I flip out and tell her what a big fan I am and get my picture taken with her?”. I think it’s pretty obvious which one I picked. Stephenie was AWESOME. We got to hang out and chatted for a while! If it wasn’t for the fact that we had to go on stage to play, I probably would’ve tried to talk to her all night.


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Stephenie Meyer om New Moon Movie Companion

Stephenie Meyers hemsida har uppdaterats där Seth skriver om New Moon The Complete Illustrade Movie Companion. Läs mer här

June 29, 2009

It has been a while since the last time I posted anything—I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to bring your attention to a couple of things.

First, in case you didn't see it, New Moon: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion is already available for pre-order (even though the cover art has not been released). For those of you who haven't seen the Twilight Companion, it is filled with high-quality images and behind-the-scenes information. Please note that Stephenie does not write these books, but I really enjoyed the first one.

Also, Random House (the company who produces the Twilight audiobooks) is hosting another contest through their subsidiary They will be giving away the entire Twilight series on audio books (you must be a resident of the United States and 18 years of age or older to enter). Please note that this contest is not at all affiliated with, although I do enjoy listening to the audio books.
Good luck!


Stephenie Meyer tar bort sin MySpace

Stephenie Meyer har uppdaterat sin sida med lite nyheter. Hon har tyvärr tagit bort sin MySpace sida pga olicka anledningar. Lite synd tycker jag men hon måste få göra de hon måste.

A quick fyi: I am taking down my bloated myspace page. It was a lot of fun while it lasted, and I really miss the early days when I could hang out with people online. Many of you are hilarious and insightful, and I wish it was easier for me to talk to everyone the way I used to.

With the myspace no longer in existence, I can now clearly state that—beside than this website—there is no other outlet where I communicate with people online. I do not have a facebook page, and I have never had one. I don't do twitter. So if you're communicating with someone online that you think is me, it's not.

Hope you all are having a great summer so far! If you're looking for some beach reading, you might try Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians series if you haven't already. My son finally finished book five yesterday so I could read it today. It was a fantastic end to a fantastic series. I tip my hat to you, Mr. Riordan!


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Stephenie Meyer #26 "The 2009 Forbes Celebrity 100 List"

Stephenie Meyer har kommit på #26 på "the 2009 Forbes Celebrity 100 List".  Och så här säger Forbes.

"Thanks to the success of Meyer’s Twilight series, 2008 became the year of the vampire. The low-profile author sold 29 million books last year, releasing two new novels (Breaking Dawn and The Host) and selling hoards of paperbacks of what have become instant classics (Twilight, Eclipse and New Moon). Last November, gothy fans camped out to catch the first film based on the series; Twilight grossed $70 million opening weekend. A partial rough draft of the fifth Twilight book leaked online last August; Meyer published the full draft on her Web site and announced the book wouldn’t be published.

2 Juni 2004 började Stephenie Meyer skriva Twilight

Idag är den andra Juni, kom just på de nr jag kollade på datorn. Idag är det alltså 7 år sedan då Stephenie började skriva Twilight. Hon vaknade från en dröm om Bella och Edward i The Meadow och ville inte glömma så hon skrev ner den och vipss! Världens bästa bok bara sådär!
Så jag vill passa på att tacka Stephenie Meyer för den fantastiska värld hon skapat. Det har ialla fall gjort mitt liv mer intressant!

- Thank you Stephenie for the best books in the world and the most amazing world. Love

Stephenie Meyer tackar alla fans

Stephenie Meyers hemsida hemsida har hon skrivet ett tack medelande till alla fansen. Vi tackar dig också!!

"Thank you, everybody who voted at the MTV Movie Awards! It was awesome to see Twilight get so much love. Congratulations to Catherine and Rob and Kristen and all of the cast and everyone at Summit and everybody on the crew! You all did an amazing job and you deserve your popcorn!

Twilight fans are the best!


P.S. You got to see a little taste of New Moon tonight, but I promise you this: when it comes to New Moon, you haven’t seen anything yet! Can November please come faster?"


Jackson Rathbone intervju

RadarOnline la igår upp en intervju med Jackson (Jasper) där han pratar lite om hur skådespelarna träffas och så.

RO: You’ve said the cast members of Twilight and New Moon are really close, so what’s one thing about each of your co-stars you think might surprise  people?

JR: None of them are vampires in real life! Gasp!

RO: When the cameras aren’t rolling, how do you and the rest of the Twilight crew blow off steam?

JR: I believe there are usually two or three guitars on set at all times. We all get down with a little music, though some of our styles and tastes are a bit different. I've been digging on Spencer Bell's solo album, Feudal, Brutal, and the American Dream, (available on iTunes), number 13 is my favorite song.

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Stephenie Meyer bok

Stephenie Meyer har nu fått en bok skriven om henne av författaren Lisa Rondinelli Albert’s.
Examiner har en kort artikel om boken.

This biography goes beyond a basic examination of the life and success of Stephenie Meyer. Author Lisa Rondinelli Albert’s research led her to fans who provided early e-mail correspondence with Meyer as well as never-been-seen-before photographs, including one of particular interest—Stephenie’s high school prom photo. Meyer herself had not even seen this photo until it was uncovered by Albert, who was able to put the two prom dates back in touch.

.För att läsa mer Klicka på bilden.

Stephenie Meyers svar?

Stephenie Meyer har svarat på frågor (ganska länge sedan men endå) och frågorna är.

What's with the apple?

The apple on the cover of Twilight represents "forbidden fruit." I used the scripture from Genesis (located just after the table of contents) because I loved the phrase "the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil." Isn't this exactly what Bella ends up with? A working knowledge of what good is, and what evil is. The nice thing about the apple is it has so many symbolic roots.

Why did you pick the title

Twilight was not the easiest book to title. When I started sending out queries, I called it Forks for lack of a better idea. The first thing my agent advised me was that the title was going to have to change. We played around with a lot of different titles, and nothing seemed to convey the right feel. We brainstormed through emails for about a week. The word twilight was on a list of "words with atmosphere" that I sent her. Though these words were meant to be used in combination with something else, the word twilight stood out to both of us. We decided to try it out, and, after a little adjustment time, it started to work for both of us. It isn't absolutely perfect; to be honest, I don't think there is a perfect title for this book (or if there is, I've never heard it).

För att läsa mer om dessa frågor eller om andra klicka på bilden.

Sveriges Stephanie Meyer??

Här är en intervju med Inger Edelfeldt och hon pratar om sin vampyr bok och lite om vad hon tycker om Twilight.
Tryck på bilden för att se intervjun.

- Jag fattar inte hur hon kan säga så, hennes böcker är jättedåliga om man jämför med Twilight!

Stephenie Meyer

Här är en jättebra Intervju med Stephenie meyer där hon svarar på 10 frågor om twilight serien.
Tryck på bilden för att se den.

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