Rachelle Lefevre om New Moon

London Free Press har gjort en intervju med Rachelle Lefevre där hon pratar om att de byte regisör från Twilight till New Moon och att när de gjorde de med Harry Potter så blev de ännu bättre. Hon pratar också om hur hennes karaktär ändras från Twilight till New Moon.

“It could have been bad,” Lefevre admits. “But I think because Harry Potter went through it first to their benefit, we were like, ‘The Potter kids went through a director shift and they were OK, so we’ll be OK, too.’

“And we were. Chris came in with such a clear idea of what the movie was. And he paid respect to what had come before — so it was kind of seamless.”

“In the first movie, because I didn’t have as much screen time, I wanted to be very clear. I wanted to convey energy and be very present, but also very playful. And that’s because (Victoria) enjoyed stalking Bella with James.

“But when James is killed, it becomes about exacting revenge, which comes from a totally different place. It’s not just a game any more.”

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