Intervju med Chris, Taylor, Kristen, Robert och Ashley

3 nya New Moon bilder

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David Slade hittar "Newborn hideout and battlefield”

David Slade har uppdaterat sin twitter och han har börjat leta efter ställen att filma Eclipse på. Han säger "found Newborn hideout and battlefield finally.” Han hittade också ställen som han inte tänker filma på ink dem här nedan.

Vad tycker ni, passar de bra?

Cameron Bright berättar om Volturi symbolen

Cameron Bright som spelar Alec har i en intervju berättat om Voturi symbolen.

Your wardrobe, that pendant you’re wearing—do you know what those symbols are?

I don’t know, they just kind of slapped it on me. I know that’s a “V” for Volturi, I’m guessing? Because I’m a Volturi…I really have no idea what you’re asking. [Laughs.]

Does yours match Daniel’s?

The whole Volturi family has it because that’s their family seal. I don’t really know all of it.

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Melissa Rosenberg om New Moon och Eclipse

HitFix har gjort en intervju med Melissa Rosenberg som skriver manus till The Twilight Saga.

Q: Does writing the sequels present a whole different set of challenges than writing the ‘Twilight’ script?

Yeah, because in ‘Twilight’ you’re setting up the world. You’re introducing the world and you’re introducing characters and I was also writing in a vacuum because I didn’t know who the actors were going to be. Now, you’re going to ‘New Moon’ and ‘Eclipse,’ I could write [the characters] in my mind so it becomes a more comfortable world, you know? So, ‘New Moon’ is not about setting up the world, but it’s about it’s own set of challenges because ‘New Moon’ is very internal. I mean all of those…there’s a lot of talk about how Edward and the Cullen’s are not a part of whole middle of ‘New Moon’ but actually they really are. Certainly Bella’s very much alive in…I’m sorry Edward’s very much alive in Bella’s mind throughout ‘New Moon.’ As a reader you feel his presence. You feel that helping drive that story. Harder to do in film, you know? You have to somehow find his presence and bring it there without having thought bubbles constantly. And I think the solution is going to satisfy fans. It’s going to be very much in keeping with the book and the tone of the book. So I think it would be interesting to see how I think fans will be feel pretty satisfied with what we’re doing. One, because it’s true to the book and two because we see more Edward. So that can’t be bad.

Q: Are there a few direct quotes from the book?

What’s really hard is that I lose track of what’s the book and what’s me because my job to immerse myself in it and so I really lose track of what’s Stephanie and what’s me. But what I try to do as much as possible is use things directly from the book because I think there’s moments where the fans here that line, that classic line or whatever it is I try as much as possible to stay and sometimes you get kicked because a screenplay is 110 times [shorter than a novel.] Jacob is a great deal of fun to write. Charlie — Billy Burke is someone who you just can give a line to, you can give him a deep emotional line or a funny one-liner–this guy can deliver anything and always bring something new to it. And Emmett, I love writing Emmett as well. So obviously more offhand funny kind of characters…

David Slade har läst Stephenies antekningar

David Slade har updaterat sin Twitter där han skriver att han har läst Stephenies antekningar om Eclipse.

Följ hans twitter här

Billy Burke har fått sitt Eclipse manus

Billy Burke skrev på sin twitter att han har för 5 dagar sedan fått sitt manus till Eclipse! Juhu!

Följ han twitter här

Ny Jacob Black bild

USA Today har en ny bild på Jacob Black där Taylor som vanligt är så sjukt snygg!

Nikki Reed och Paris Latsis

Som ni har märkt har de inte varit Nikki Reed bilder på länge men nu har de äntligen kommit upp en. Hon har varit i Grekland med Paris Latsis och semestrat. Efter som jag är paparatzi fri så kan ni klicka här om ni vill se bilden.

Här är en bild på Paris Latsis. Passar dom ihop?

"The young American actress has completely stolen his heart and they have been together for 6 months now. He claims to be madly in love with her, and has introduced her to his parents and will adapt his schedule according to the actresses schedule. In August she filming for her new movie so they will stay in Greece until the end of July and will return together in LA. Paris wants to stay with her and encourage her and because he can’t stay away from her."


Cameron Bright intervju om New Moon

Camerone Bright blir intervjuad av MSN Movie och han pratar mycket om New Moon.

Your wardrobe, that pendant you’re wearing—do you know what those symbols are?

I don’t know, they just kind of slapped it on me. I know that’s a “V” for Volturi, I’m guessing? Because I’m a Volturi…I really have no idea what you’re asking. [Laughs.]

Did you get to talk with Stephenie [Meyer] to get insight on your character?

Nope, I actually just met her yesterday. Pretty sure she’s going to be at the dinner tonight, so we’ll be able to talk and all that kind of stuff. So far it hasn’t been too much on the acting, because obviously I’ve only been here for a day, right? Still getting warmed up. It’s kind of sad that as soon as I get warmed up I have to leave and wait for the next one. But it is what it is…we’ll see what happens.

Xavier Samuel har fått rollen som Riley

Nu är de bekräftat att Xavier Samuel har fått rollen som Riley i Eclipse!

"A representative from Summit Entertainment has confirmed the truth to reports from yesterday that Xavier Samuel was castThe Twilight Saga: Eclipse's Riley.

Bild Källa

Rotten Tomatoes rapporterar om New Moon

Focus fell particularly on Fanning, dressed in a soft, vintage-style white dress, a dark velvet cape, and Mary Janes. Her blonde hair swept into a bun, with pale skin and scarlet lips and dark eye makeup, she had the look of a textbook Little Red Riding Hood — albeit one with blood-red eyes and a steely eeriness about her. “She’s immune to all of us,” Michael Sheen as Aro mused, directing his warrior to turn her pain-inducing powers on Bella. “Shall we, Jane?”

With nary a peep, Fanning’s eyes lit up. She turned her head towards Bella/Kristen Stewart, and gave a slight, cruel smile. Well, the hint of a smile, really. The tension was palpable; in that miniscule movement I was sold on Fanning — at 15 years of age, one of New Moon’s seasoned veterans — and her ability to convey unadulterated malice. On film, you’ll see her bring poor Robert Pattinson to his knees, and you might even enjoy it.

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Nathan från Meede träffade Stephenie Meyer

Nathan från bandet Meese har skrivit en intresant grej om att han träffade Stephenie Meyer.

Hi guys, Nathan here. Now for something that you probably didn’t know about Ben and me. We’re into Twilight. Like IN TO it. It started when we were visiting our record label almost a year ago and they had a bunch of copies of the book laying around and I needed something to read on the airplane on the way back to Denver. Anyways – it was one of those obsessed-at-first-page type scenarios where I didn’t put the book down for two days and two nights until it was completely absorbed by my eyes and my brain. If you’d of told me earlier in my life that I’d be reading vampire love story saga I’d call you crazy, but sometimes life throws you curveballs…

So I finished ‘Eclipse’ (the third book) about a week ago before a show with Copeland in Cali. I bought ‘Breaking Dawn’ (the last one) at the airport in San Francisco before I flew home to Denver to play a show. Yadda yadda we’re playing our first show with The Fray in Phoenix two nights ago and I had been reading the in the dressing room and got to page 120 or something like that when all of a sudden some says in passing really nonchalant “Yeah, the Twilight author, Stephenie Meyer is gonna be here tonight”. Then I had this split second indecision of “Should I try to play it cool and act like I meet super famous genius writers all the time? OR should I flip out and tell her what a big fan I am and get my picture taken with her?”. I think it’s pretty obvious which one I picked. Stephenie was AWESOME. We got to hang out and chatted for a while! If it wasn’t for the fact that we had to go on stage to play, I probably would’ve tried to talk to her all night.


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Michael Sheen om detalier från Vancouver

Michael Sheen berättar några detailer om filmningen i Vancouver. Läs allt här

“The first day of filming we did the 18th century stuff and then one of the modern scenes,” Sheen says. “It was a lot to deal with; the wig, and contact lenses all day and the make-up, but it was fantastic. These sets are amazing. And the look of everyone is so strong so it was great to just kind of get right into it straight away. “

Other actors purposely don’t read the original source material for their big screen creations because they don’t want to veer from the direction the screenwriter and director have laid out. I asked Sheen where he stood on the issue.

“Oh no, if I’m doing something that’s based on a book, then I’ll definitely read the book,” Sheen says. “I look for anything that will give a little clue or something, a little help, a little hint… just things like that. Like one word that Stephenie uses in the book will kind of tee off my imagination.”

Ashley Greene på Alexa Chung

Edward Cullen Song!

Lyrics4Ever98 på YouTube har gjort en video med Kanye West låt Heartthrob som heter Edward Cullen Song. Så sjukt bra!!!

Intervju med Twilight & New Moons producent

HitFix har en intervju med Twilight och New Moons producent Wyck Godfrey om ganska mycket New Moon.

Running into him this past May when I joined a select group of journalists to visit the set of the "Twilight" sequel, "The Twilight Saga: New Moon," not much had changed.  Wyck was as friendly as ever and didn't mince words when chatting about "New Moon," "Eclipse" or even the rumored "Breaking Dawn."  Here's a quick rundown of what he talked about -- exclusively on HitFix.

* Why the production shot in Montepulciano vs. Volterra, Italy
* On whether the cast members are all locked into four picture deals.
* On actors and directors campaigning to be part of the new films.
* Will there be celebrity cameos in "New Moon"?
* On casting Dakota Fanning as Jane.
* Quantifying original writer Stephenie Meyer's involvement in the movie franchise.
* On why David Slade was chosen to direct "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse."
* The difficulties of adapting "Breaking Dawn" to the big screen.

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15 saker om Robert Pattinson

Katie Bain från har gjort en artikel om Robert Pattinson och 15 saker som hon lärde sig om honom när hon hälsade på honom på New Moon filmningen i 2 dagar.

2. Like the rest of the cast, Pattinson’s canvas director’s chair had his character’s name (that would be “Edward Cullen”) embroidered on the backrest. On Robert’s chair, however, “Edward Cullen” was covered with yellow tape, on which “ROBERT” was written in bold black marker. Seems our fantasy boy likes to keep things "real."

3. I watched Kristen StewartAshley Greene and Robert film a scene in the Volturri lair. During this dramatic play-by-play, Robert wears an ankle-length maroon cloak very bathrobe in its design. It appeared to be velvet, but I couldn’t get close enough to touch him. It. I mean it.

4. Edward’s presence in the novel as a disembodied voice in Bella’s head clearly wouldn’t do for fans hungry for some larger-than-life RPattz on the big screen. The filmmakers recognized that a largely Pattinson-less New Moon would do little to satisfy fans; therefore, Edward appears to Bella in vision form. Sexy, sexy vision form.

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HitFix intervjuar Chris Wietz om New Moon

Q: 'Twilight' is very emotional at its core, but it also has a lot of CG elements. Would you say you are in a comfort zone?  Is this familiar ground?

Right, I'm never really in a comfort zone making a movie which is a discomfort zone, because you're always working under pressured circumstances, because you don't have an unlimited amount of time or money to do these things. There were a number of things I was familiar with -- familiar enough so that I could do what I think is really important which is not to foreground the special effects for the action elements, but to make those kind of settle into the story.  You never really want someone to watch a movie and go, 'Wow, those were great special effects.'  You hope they won't notice the majority of what you are doing.  Obviously, people are going to notice horse-sized wolves and realize on some level they are special effects, but they are photorealistic and they should be as expressive as a good actor if possible.  So, in terms of kind of wrangling that sort of process it is something I am used to.

Q: In terms of the effects, I think everyone on this call was probably stunned after we'd been on set and we'd talked to the producer and he was like 'We're still working on some of the designs for the wolfpack' and I think it was like two or three weeks later we saw the first trailer and that great shot at the end.  Have you ever worked in such a quick process from beginning to end?

It is.  I myself was surprised Phil Tippet's company was able to turn out that wolf shot and I think they kind of did that as a matter of institutional pride that they could.  Even that shot that was in the trailer has gone through 20-30 iterations since then, but they have done a really extraordinary job and Phil Tippet is a complete genius.  He's responsible for the walkers in 'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back' and he's kind of one of the legends of the visual effects community and it pretty amazing what they have been able to do on such short notice.  We are working at kind of breakneck speed at the same time as trying to achieve something really quite elegant as well.  It's not just Tippet, it's Frantic/CBS (LOOK UP) which is headed up by Mike Fink who is my old friend who was the visual effects supervisor on 'Golden Compass' which won the Oscar the year it came out. So, yeah, working very fast, but we're also trying to work as beautifully as possible to make these effect kind of settle into the amazing cinematography that Javier Aguirresarobe brought us.  We are kind of moving at light speed,but trying to deliver something that's really elegant and beautiful.

Q: Just to follow that up, can you tell us how far along you are to completion right now?

I am about two weeks away from showing the director's cut to the studio.  I've got some wolves with fur.  Some wolves are still invisible basically and some wolves are like -- you've all probably seen the claymation versions.  We are still in the light RD phases of what Edward looks like when he's hit -- what the vampires look like when he's hit with light and the diamond effect.  Also, the kind of hallucinatory effect Bella has when she hears Edward's voice and she imagines him there.  And then we are Alexandre Desplat has just started working on his music for the film. And we are just starting to put together what acts will be on the soundtrack, so it's kind of like keeping ten plates spinning at once, but it's all good because we've got Alexander Desplat who I think is one of the greatest film composers living and because of the kind of the strength of the franchise that I inherited, a lot of bands are really interested in working on the soundtrack and we got visual effects people. And that just leaves me hopefully not dropping the ball in terms of editing together the story.

Q: Sounds like a lot.

It is a lot, and with Comic-Con on the 24th were we are going to show a couple of scenes to whoever can get in that auditorium.  And yeah, it's a lot to be getting on with, but it's fun at the same time.

Q: In regards to the music, will Alexander Desplat be using Carter Burwell's theme at all?

I think, y'know, yes, because like any franchise there are certain themes that become familiar.  I suspect he's going to transpose it in some manner and most of the music will be entirely new to the franchise, because his style is somewhat different from Carter Burwell's, but I think there is some value to having a familiar -- I believe the words are 'light motifs' -- running through the entire series.

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Det finns en till intervju med Chris av RottenTomatos här

Ny New Moon bild!

The LA time har en ny artikel om New Moon produktionen och de finns även en ny bild på Bella och Jacob.

It’s now July, and Weitz will face 6,000-plus screaming fans as he unveils never-before-seen footage from “New Moon” at Comic-Con International in San Diego on Thursday. At last year’s convention, months before “Twilight” was released, the delighted squeals were nearly deafening.

Driving home from a day of post-production, Weitz says he understands what’s at stake. There are 450 visual effects shots to complete, in addition to the score and the movie’s soundtrack, which he says will feature songs from Radiohead, Muse and Band of Skulls, among others. But the sequences he’s readying for the event — one, an action scene that will feature some of those effects, the other, a love scene sure to elicit hysteria from the crowd — will be done in time.

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Taylor Lautner intervju

Taylor Lautner har haft en photoshoot med interview magazine och en intervju. För att se alla bilder tryck här

Twilight i serie tidning

De kommer att  komma ut en helt ny variation av Twilight i "graphic novel form" som Little Brown publiserar.

Little, Brown will be publishing Twilight in graphic-novel form. Though Korean artist Young Kim is creating the art, Meyer herself is deeply immersed in the project, reviewing every panel.

Take a close look at the biology-class sketch we’ve obtained (that’s an empty dialogue bubble between their heads, if you’re wondering). What’s interesting to me is that it doesn’t look simply like an artist’s rendering of Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson. In fact, the characters seem to be an amalgam of Meyer’s literary imagination and the actors’ actual looks.

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Gil Birminghams månadstidning!

Gil Birmingham har en egen hemsida där han har börjat skriva varje månad en "nyhetstidning" och denna månad kom de med en bild på Alex Meraz,  Chaske Spencer och Kristen Stewart med ryggen mot kameran.

"I truly appreciate all the love and support that my fans have given me over the years. I do not have as much time as I would like to answer fans individually. To keep you updated on news in Gil Birmingham-land, I’ll post messages, news, and announcements for everyone here, so check back often."

Ni kan läsa Juni som PDF fil här

Rachelle Lefevre om New Moon

London Free Press har gjort en intervju med Rachelle Lefevre där hon pratar om att de byte regisör från Twilight till New Moon och att när de gjorde de med Harry Potter så blev de ännu bättre. Hon pratar också om hur hennes karaktär ändras från Twilight till New Moon.

“It could have been bad,” Lefevre admits. “But I think because Harry Potter went through it first to their benefit, we were like, ‘The Potter kids went through a director shift and they were OK, so we’ll be OK, too.’

“And we were. Chris came in with such a clear idea of what the movie was. And he paid respect to what had come before — so it was kind of seamless.”

“In the first movie, because I didn’t have as much screen time, I wanted to be very clear. I wanted to convey energy and be very present, but also very playful. And that’s because (Victoria) enjoyed stalking Bella with James.

“But when James is killed, it becomes about exacting revenge, which comes from a totally different place. It’s not just a game any more.”

Läs mer på  TwiCrack här
Bild från Lion&LambLove

Intervju med Jackson Rathbone och 100 Monkeys

De finns en ny intervju med Jackson Rathbone och hans band 100 Monkeys där de pratar lite om vilka nuvarande projekt Jackson jobbar på.

To feed the elephant in the room, Jackson, can you tease anything about “New Moon” for the yearning “Twilight” fans out there?

Jackson: It’s gonna be raging…action-packed, more steamy romance. You get to see a lot more crazy stuff happening. We went deeper into the world now, and it’s gonna be a fun thrill ride for everyone.

Also, filming recently wrapped in Pennsylvania for M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Last Airbender.” What was that experience like, Jackson?

Jackson: It’s been incredible, a great set. I really believe we’re making a film that’s going to be epic. It’s gonna move people. I think the movie’s gonna turn out beautiful.


Grattis Gil Birmingham!

Idag den 13/7 fyller Gil Birmingham 43 år! Ett jättestort grattis från mig till honom!

Montepulciano New Moon

Nu finns det en video från Montepulciano där de är spoilers på när Bella springer och den gula porschen.

Kellan Lutz telefon intervju

TwilightersItalia har en telefon intervju med Kellan Lutz där han pratar om Robert i NYC, paparazzi och New Moon.

Christopher Heyerdahl om sin roll i New Moon

Christopher Heyerdahl (Marcus) har blivit intervjuad där han pratar om några grejer om hans roll i New Moon.

Heyerdahl's character is a member of the Volturi, a venerable coven of vampires based in Volterra, Italy, whose members also include Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning.

"He's one of the oldest vampires on the planet, and who doesn't want to play a 3,000-year-old vampire?" Heyerdahl said. "The cast that I get to work with, like Michael Sheen. ... We had so much fun goofing off together. It was an absolute hoot. Director Chris Weitz's version for this piece is like a Renaissance painting. The images were absolutely beautiful, and the character is such a tragic old fellow." (Possible spoilers ahead!)

Heyerdahl adds: "Here's how I approach him. When Marcus is brought in, he's there against his will. He and his love tried to leave an awfully long time ago. Through a series of tragic circumstances, the love of his life was killed, and he's now being forced to stay and use his powers for the betterment of the Volturi. He's not exactly there, waking up and looking forward to eternity. When Edward and Bella come walking in, his ability to sense the power of their connection is something that wakes him up, brings him back from the boredom of that eternal life and sparks something in him that brings Marcus as close to excitement as he can get. That idea has to be contained and expressed as little as possible to his rather power-hungry captain-in-arms, Aro, which makes for a rather interesting conflict. You might not know it, but Marcus is pretty darn excited by this love that he witnesses. At the same time, it causes him great pain with the memory of what he had and lost. It was very complex to play, especially when you are doing it with so few lines. It will be interesting to see how it is cut together."

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Jamie Bower om New Moon och Harry Potter

Jamie Campbell-Bower blev intervjuad på röda mattan på Harry Potter premiären i London. Han pratar lite om Michael Sheen, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, vad han tycker om sin kostym i New Moon och att han har fått rollen som Grindelwald i nästa Harry Potter film.

Kellan Lutz om NM, Eclipse, BD och Twilight hypen

Twist Magazine har en intervju med Kellan Lutz där han pratar om New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn och hypen innan twilight ens kom ut.

On filming New Moon:
"I'm done with New Moon. It was really easy to work on with [Director] Chris Weitz. It all starts with the director, and he really moves the tempo with shooting. And he's just so mellow and relaxed that it trickled down to the crew. And they were really prepared and it trickled down to the actors, who were really comfortable. And since Twilight was really accepted by the fans, it really allowed us to feel comfortable in our shoes."

On what to look forward to in NM:
"Something to really look forward to is Jackson Rathbone's scene when he's playing Jasper, and Bella cuts her finger at her birthday party. He really loses himself there. He really transformed himself and got there, so it was really cool to see. And I think the fans will really like to see that and be surprised with how fierce he looked and got."

On continuing to play Emmett:
"Emmett has quite a larger role with Eclipse and then Breaking Dawn, so I'm really excited to shoot Eclipse coming up soon and then hopefully Breaking Dawn!

On encountering fans:
"As far as the fans, I guess nothing too bizarre [has happened]. The conventions are always on lockdown, and at the publicity events, we have security. But when I'm in LA and I'm walking around -- I was driving one day, leaving my neighborhood and this car pulled up right next to me and they started screaming out their window! They told me to roll the window down, and I'm like 'What the heck is going on?' And I roll my window down and it's "Emmett!" Just screaming! And I'm like, 'Oh, that's why!' I forgot and this was right after we were done shooting [Twilight], so I really didn't know the hype for the movie. Or that fans had so much love for it! So when that happened, I was just realy taken back."

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Robert pryda Vanty fair magazine snart

Mark Malkin från E! News raporterar att Robert kommer att pryda framsidan på Vanty Fair tidningen i någon av de komande månaderna. Någon annan än jag som kommer köpa den? :P

“Robert Pattinson has another magazine cover coming up—and thankfully, it’s not some far-fetched tabloid bullcrap this time around.

Mr. Pattinson, I’m told, has landed himself on the cover of probably the most coveted of monthlies—Vanity Fair!”

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Ashley Greene Saturday Night Magazine photoshoot

De här bilderna är från Saturday Night Magazine photoshoot med Ashley Greene. Hon ser som vanligt helt fantastisk ut.

“Check out these exclusive behind-the-scenes photos from our October cover shoot with Twilight star Ashley Greene (who plays loveable vamp Alice Cullen) at STK/Coco de Ville in West Hollywood.”

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Rob outtakes från Rolling Stones photoshoot

Us Weekly har några outtakes från Roberts Rolling stone photoshoot. Dom är ju jättefina!

"They threw a bucket of water on him!" a source on set tells Us of his wet T-shirt look. "He was willing to do anything. Didn't complain at all."

The pics -- taken in NYC over five hours by photographer Theo Wenner -- were inspired by a 1991 River Phoenix film My Own Private Idaho and James Dean.

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Taylor Lautner ska presentera på Kids Choice Awards

JustJared har nu bekräftat att Taylor Lautner kommer presentera något på Kids Choice Awards 09. Ashley Greene kommer inte presentera men kommer vara där.

Vanessa Hudgens and pal Taylor Lautner are just two of the many confirmed presenters for the 2009 Teen Choice Awards next month.

The duo will be joined by Kristen Bell, Ashley Greene, Daren Kagasoff, Shawn Johnson, and Emma Roberts among others. Best yet — The Black Eyed Peas will be performing!

Click inside for more 2009 Teen Choice Award nominees and don’t forget to VOTE!

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Fixar lite i Bloggen

Just nu kan de vara lite stökigt med alla katigorier för jag ska fixa en kategoria till alla skådespelarna. Jag har gjort de på dator och nu blir de bloggens tur. Så de kan ta några dagar eller så.

Ha en underbar dag.

Team Edward blogg

Stephenie Meyer om New Moon Movie Companion

Stephenie Meyers hemsida har uppdaterats där Seth skriver om New Moon The Complete Illustrade Movie Companion. Läs mer här

June 29, 2009

It has been a while since the last time I posted anything—I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to bring your attention to a couple of things.

First, in case you didn't see it, New Moon: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion is already available for pre-order (even though the cover art has not been released). For those of you who haven't seen the Twilight Companion, it is filled with high-quality images and behind-the-scenes information. Please note that Stephenie does not write these books, but I really enjoyed the first one.

Also, Random House (the company who produces the Twilight audiobooks) is hosting another contest through their subsidiary They will be giving away the entire Twilight series on audio books (you must be a resident of the United States and 18 years of age or older to enter). Please note that this contest is not at all affiliated with, although I do enjoy listening to the audio books.
Good luck!


Kellan Lutz och Ashley Greene i Warrior

Patti Arpaia har många fantastiskt fina bilder på Kellan Lutz och Ashley Greene när de spelar in filmen Warrior. På bilderna ser de ju ut som en typisk collegefilm men jag har hört att de ska vara en skräckfilm.

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Peter Facinelli, Rob DeFranco och fans

Reelz Channel intervjuade och pratade med Peter Facinelli, Rob DeFranco och fans efter bikinidansen.

Twilight Guide bok till Forks

Nu finns de en guidebok skriven av George Beahm som hjälper dig åka och besöka ställen i Forks där Twilight och New Moon utspelar sig. Boken är 112 sidor och kommer ut den 1 Augusti. Den finns  att förbeställa i både hårdbok $13.57 eller poket $9.56.

Här kan ni se ännu mer bilder på 2Forkswa
Förbeställ boken här

Intrervju med Justin Chon

J-14 har en ny intervju med Justin Chon där han pratar lite om att många av skådespelarna är musikaliska och även lom paparazis.

J-14: What was it like flirting with Kristen Stewart?
Justin: Her character is just really awkward. So you put two really awkward people together and it's just a really funny thing to see them try and have a fluid conversation.

J-14: What was your reaction to all of the paparazzi at the airport when you landed in Vancouver?
Justin: The paparazzi were a total surprise. I think there's a picture of me with my mouth open. It's really pretty funny because I just had no idea what was going on. And I asked Anna [Kendrick], "Wait are they taking pictures of us?" We just had no idea and then we realized they were taking pictures of us and we were just like, "Whoa!"

J-14: You're a musician -- and so are Rob Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, and Nikki Reed... what was it like working with such a musical cast?
Justin: It's kind of weird because everyone is like, "Oh yeah! I play guitar!" And then for me, I just didn't even tell anybody. I was just like, "Yeah, I guess everyone plays the guitar so maybe I shouldn't say anything because it doesn't make me special."

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Christian Serratos har nu Twitter

Nu är de bekräftat Christian Serratos har nu ett officielt Twitter konto. De är verkligen poppis med Twitter, många från Twilight som har de. Peter Facinelli, Rachelle Lefevre, Gil Birmingham, Billy Burke, Jamie Bower, Miceal Sheen och nu Christian Serratos. :) Jag kände mig tvungen att skaffa. Har ni twitter?

Eclipse filmnings datum

Production Weekly har nu uppdaterat sin twitter och enligt dom så kommer Eclipse inspelningen börja den 17 augusti  och ska vara klar den 31 oktober. David Slade verkar köra på för fullt!

Bild lånad från TwilightSweden här

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Vilken av Robs komande filmer kommer bli bäst?

The Movie Fanatic har en artikel om vilken av Roberts komande filmer kommer bli bäst med tanke på att några av hans gamla filmer inte riktigt var super. Vilken tror ni? Jag tror New Moon ::P

Before I forget, this post is supposedly about Rob’s new movies and which of them would really blow you away - in terms of acting, story, co-stars, box office results, critical acclaim, relevance and more. So let me list down the four you have to consider: a historical drama based on a book - Bel Ami, a modern-day romance-drama with Emilie de Ravin - Remember Me, a western-drama entitled- Unbound Captives where he’ll act alongside Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz or the latest Twilight sequel -New Moon.

Oh and yeah, we have a poll (just look to the left and join if you like!).

After the jump, I’m doing detailed analysis of the movies - the stories, the roles, the co-stars, and more!

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Kiowa Gordon pratar New Moon

Indian Country Today har en ny artikel om Kiowa Gordon om att han var på en highschool graduationdär han pratade om sin roll i New Moon.

Through research and the help of a Native American teenager named Jacob “Jake” Black (Taylor Lautner), she discovers Cullen and his family are vampires. Black, a member of the Quileute Tribe, is part of an ancient line of werewolves unbeknownst to Swan. In the sequel, to be released in November, Black and four other Native American young
men emerge as werewolves.

Thousands of Native young men from the U.S. and Canada tried out for the four new roles. Gordon; Alex Meraz, Purepecha (Tarasco); Chaske Spencer, Lakota; and Bronson Pelletier, Cree-Metis, were fortunate enough to be cast.

According to Gordon, Embry Call is Jake’s right hand man, tall, skinny, shy and the fourth to turn into a werewolf. “We protect the tribe, protect them from vampires.”

At the graduation, Gordon signed autographs, smiled for photographs and endured surprise hugs and a kiss on his hand. The non-stop attention provided Gordon a glimpse of what is to come when “New Moon” hits the big screen.

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Defining New Moon

De flesta har ju hört om  Brian Leaf’s bok Defining Twilight men nu har han även skrivit Defining New Moon. Den har inte släpps ännu men man kan förbeställa boken på Amazone. Nu får man ju hoppas på Defining Eclipse och Breaking Dawn :P

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Peter Facinelli om Carlisle, Familj, Fans, Vampire Baseball

Radar Online har en intervju med Peter Facinelli där han pratar om Vampire Baseball, Carlisle, alla fans, hans familj och mycket mer! :)

RO: Tell us about the baseball game tomorrow?
PF: We’re going to test our vampire baseball skills in front of a large crowd and I think a lot of people are going to find out that a lot of the cast member s don’t know how to throw a ball and they just made us look good. The Make-A-Wish Foundation asked if I would play and I thought it was for a really good cause. I like doing charity events because I think it’s important to give back. I played baseball when I was younger but I haven’t played in a long time, so it should be fun. I hope Rachelle’s on my team. She’s the one with the wicked curve ball, right? I don’t know, I’m showing up with my old oiled glove and waiting to see where the coach puts me. I don’t even know who the coach is. I might be the coach for all I know. I think Carlisle should definitely be the coach. The difference is tomorrow there are no special effects, whatever speed we run and however we hit the ball is the real deal. We’re going to have no stunt doubles tomorrow.

RO: What do your girls think about Daddy getting recognized on the street?
PF: I think they’re getting used to it. It’s a little time consuming but I just try to give back to the fans. When I was growing up and I went over to the guy to get an autograph and he said no because they were too busy you would go home with that, so I try to really go out of my way to make sure that I’m good to the fans because they’ve been so good to us.

RO: Have you read the script for the third movie?
PF: No, I haven’t. I’m supposed to be getting it next week.


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Peter Facinelli och Rob DeFranco

Peter Facinelli har postat en video som gjordes efter Rob Defrancos bikinidans. De sitter på en soffa mitt i gatan och pratar om hur de gick.

Kellan Lutz intervju om New Moon

Ok Magazine har en ny intervju med Kellan Lutz där han pratar om att filma New Moon och intervjuen innehåller även några jättefina bilder från en photoshoot.

What is your typical day like on the set of New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

New Moon was a very relaxed film to work on and it all starts with how easy going director Chris Wietz is. That vibe rolls down to the crew and actors. It makes it so easy when we’ve all worked together before. Everything was so well organized, making it easy for the actors to do our job. We had more time to just laugh and make jokes and hang out; it’s important to have a cast that gels the way we do and you’ll see that more in the second film.

How did you prepare to play Emmett in New Moon?

I prepared a lot by delving into the back-story for my character, Emmett, that I created while shooting the first movie so I just picked up that same notebook again for New Moon and added a little more to what I thought embodied this character. I find it easy to get in the role; Emmett is the perfect match for me. I do love creating a back-story for characters; it helps you transform into the role and it makes it yours.

Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?

I’d like to continue acting for as long as possible. I truly love it and I am lucky that not only is it my career but it’s something I really enjoy doing so it doesn’t feel like work. Hopefully in ten years, I’ll have an amazing family with a beautiful wife and little Kellan’s running around to play football with.L

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