Edward Cullen Song!

Lyrics4Ever98 på YouTube har gjort en video med Kanye West låt Heartthrob som heter Edward Cullen Song. Så sjukt bra!!!

Twilight Guide bok till Forks

Nu finns de en guidebok skriven av George Beahm som hjälper dig åka och besöka ställen i Forks där Twilight och New Moon utspelar sig. Boken är 112 sidor och kommer ut den 1 Augusti. Den finns  att förbeställa i både hårdbok $13.57 eller poket $9.56.

Här kan ni se ännu mer bilder på 2Forkswa
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Resention-Defining Twilight SAT Verbal Study Guide

Defining Twilight Review Verdict

Preparing for the SAT and other standardized tests like the ACT and SSAT can be one of the most stressful rites of passage a student can go through.   Brian Leaf’s Defining Twilight hopes to ease the preparation for the verbal portion of these tests by guiding Twilight fans through the memorization of more than 600 vocabulary words found in Stephenie Meyer’s
Twilight. Does it succeed in helping with test preparation? We read through a pre-release review copy of the guide in order to find out. Read on to see what we discovered.

In each of the 40 sections of the guide, a group of words from Twilight is given. The first step is to look up the word on the page indicated in Twilight and write down your best guess for the definition of the word based on existing knowledge and context clues. Next, the answer is checked against the provided definition for each word.

The definitions that Brian Leaf provides offer additional tips on how to memorize the word by noting word clues like prefixes, suffixes, word origins and similar words. The level of the vocabulary in the Twilight series never reaches the same difficulty as the most challenging vocabulary that is found on the SAT, so this is a welcome addition. This valuable information helps expand the usefulness of this book far beyond just the 600 words included from the Twilight universe.

After checking your definition, a group of multiple-choice quiz drills that include SAT-style questions like synonyms, analogies and sentence completions are completed in order to reinforce your memorization of the word. These drills also help with becoming adept at the peculiar style of questions on the SAT. An important part of SAT preparation is merely getting used to how questions are asked during the test.

After every five sections there is a quiz which tests what the student has learned. There are eight of these summary quizzes as well as two additional summary quizzes at the midpoint and end of the book.

 VERDICT: [4/5 Stars]

Brian Leaf’s Defining Twilight offers a unique method of SAT prep for Twilighters by building on knowledge of a novel that fans are already familiar with. It won’t be the only study guide you’ll use to prepare for the SAT–the vocabulary in Twilight is not advanced enough–but it is certainly the most inviting and fun SAT study guide a Twilight fan will find.



Twilight på Sims 2

McFlyHilaryU2 på Youtube gjorde den här fantastiskt fina Twilight videon på Sims 2. Den är så himmla bra gjord och de tog henne 9 timmar att göra den. Vad tycker ni? Fantastisk eller hur?

För att besöka hennes Youtube klicka här

Mutemath info!

Mutemath som spelar låten spotliht i Twilight när Edward och Bella kommer tillsammans till skolan första gången har nu har äntligen ett has release datum och album fodral. :) Se till att få en kopia den 18 Augusti 2009.

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“Sexy vampires are destroying our nation’s children”

Det finns en artikel i Gainesville söndag där de står om Twilight och True Blood. Dom påstår att “Sexy vampires are destroying our nation’s children”. Jag skojar inte!!

"Despite the recent influx of vampire-related content into the mainstream media and the youthful enthusiasm that accompanied it, vampirism still remains a dangerous threat to our nation’s children. Unchecked interest in vampires can lead to unfortunate summer wardrobe choices, rickets and diabetes. We can’t afford to lose our kids to these flashy, sexy, fly-by-night vampire impersonators who continue to fill their heads with untruths about the vampire lifestyle."

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Om "Spider Monkey"

Förmodligen vet alla redan detta men eftersom jag på MTV hittade en Artikel om var "Spider Monkey" kom ifrån så tänkte jag lägga upp den ändå. Catherine gav Rob 5 möjligheter och han valde "Spider Monkey"

I gave it to Rob, the whole list," she explained. "And I said, 'Rob, which one do you want to say?' And he goes, 'I want to say the spider-monkey one.' "

Hardwicke's unused lines range from simplistic to silly, over-the-top to right on target. Now, we give you a peek at some of the alternative lines that Pattinson did not select:

Option 1:
Edward: You're not scared of heights, are you?
Bella: Not that I know of ...

Option 2:
Edward: Hold on tight ...
Bella: Don't worry ...

Option 3:
Edward: Wrap your legs around me like a spider monkey.
Bella: Done.

Option 4:
Edward: Got a good grip? Don't let go.
Bella: No chance of that, buddy.

Edward: Prepare for liftoff ...

Reading over her unchosen chunks of dialogue, Hardwicke told us that she was glad Rob picked the now-immortal "spider monkey" line. "It's a fun line," she grinned. "Thank god he picked that one."

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Hayley Williams pratar om Twilight

Hayley Williams från Paramore har nyligen pratat med EW och hon nämde hur mpnga fans Paramore har fått genom Twilight och hur de ens blev så att de gjorde en låt till Twilight.

EW: Oh, really? I thought from what I've read that [Twilight author] Stephanie Meyer sought you guys out and wanted you specifically to be on the soundtrack. But it’s more like you auditioned?

Well I read the books, and when they were working on the soundtrack, I was finishing up the third book, Eclipse, and I was really into it. I thought this was a great art, a really good story, and really relatable, but I’m always into vampires and all that. So we were touring and writing and jamming out new things every day, and I was like, if they’re putting that soundtrack together this could be great, let’s figure out if we could be a part of it. So yeah, we kinda fought for it. And if you look at the rest of the album, it’s Muse and Iron and Wine and Linkin Park, which really isn’t our demographic.

EW: So do you have new fans now that you didn’t have before?

HW: A lot of moms! A lot of older women are super into the books, so we’ll be doing a signing at, like, Hot Topic, and a 45-year-old woman will come up and be all [deep smoker’s voice] “I love your songs on the Twilight soundtrack.” We’re just like, dude, thank you! What do you say? If we can make music that people at any age can appreciate, then I’m set. That makes me so happy.

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Paramore röstar på Twilight!

Paramore säger på en intervju med MTV att dom tycker att Twilight ska vinna "Best Kiss" på MTV Movie Awards. Paramore är också nominerade för sin låt Decode, som är med i Twilight.

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

Haley tycker att Twilight ska vinna för att:

“There’s something really captivating about real tension between characters, or between people in general, that is exciting and more moving than pure, simple love,” Williams said. “It’s really interesting to watch people that aren’t really supposed to feel for each other make it happen, and I think it’s pretty special.

“Like, even outside of ‘Twilight,’ there’s probably a million other stories that are very popular that have everything to do with forbidden love,” she continued. “And that’s the essence of ‘Twilight.’ And that’s why I think it’s so popular. There’s a little twist there — he lives forever — but that kiss rules.”

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Nya Twilight dockor

Noel Cruz har skapat de mest fantastiskt fina Twilight dockor.
Jag blev så himmla glad när jag såg dom för dom ser så verkliga ut!

För att se fler av dockorna tryck på länkarna nedan.

Bella Swan-dockan

Robert Pattinson-dockan

Edward Cullen

Tonnerdirect-dockorna har Noel använts som sin grund.

Intervju med Kellan Lutz

Dolly har en intervju med Kellan Lutz.

"I play Emmet Cullen, he's kind of like the big brother in the family, he really sees being immortal and being a vampire as a positive, unlike the other vampire family members who don't really. I mean they enjoy it in some aspects but Edward's really sentimental and wishes he could die or wishes he could be mortal again that’s why he doesn't want to change Bella. I'm the big goofy brother who likes to pick fights and just a have fun being a vampire."

Kristen and Rob? Oh Rob? I love that kid, I mean I have a lot of London friends, who are just different from American friends, you know - just how people relate and live their lives, so he's a rock star and just makes being around him so energetic and so much fun. Kristen is so mature and a brilliant actress and a brilliant person to communicate with and go out to dinner and hear her story and just goof around with.

Um, behind the scenes stories... the most fun one that comes to mind is when we had like really good weather, which is not good for us because we're vampires and we need to have the bad stormy clouds, you know - cloud coverage and we had no clouds for a couple of hours but we needed to do this outside shot, so Catherine had all the extras do a cloud dance! She fed them M&Ms to get them in the mood and gave them Redbulls and it was just really cool to have a director who, who's very hands on and would get in there and get dirty.

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Twilight Soundtrack #1 på ITunes..igen!

Hurra Hurra vi gjorde de!

Bild tagen från hisgoldeneyes

Rösta på Twilight

Ett tag sen sa jag ju att Twilight var nominerad som "bästa film" och nu kan man på PopStar rösta.
För att rösta måste man registera sig på hemsidan men de är de lugnt värt!

Kristen är stolt över Twilight men..

Några dagar sen så gjorde USA TODAY en artikel baserat på en intervju dom hade med henne.

"I'm really proud of Twilight. I think it's a good movie. It was hard to do, and I think it turned out pretty good. But I don't take much credit for it. So when you show up at these places, and there's literally like a thousand girls and they're all screaming your name, you're like, why? You don't feel like you deserve it."

One person who thinks Stewart did contribute a lot to Bella is Twilight author Stephenie Meyer. The character is regarded by some as overly passive, letting her vampire paramour take control, but Meyer says Stewart, currently shooting series sequel New Moon, gives the character an inner forcefulness.

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Twilight vinner pris på "kids choice awards 09"

Igår (Lördag) vann Twilight ett pris som "bästa bok" och eftersom Stephenie Meyer inte kunde vara där så fick Taylor Lautner vara den som tog emot priset.

För att se fler bilder på JustJared klicka på bilden nedan.

Jag har Twilight dvd!!

Idag kom min mamma hem med Twilight dvd som jag har längtat efter så himmla mycket!
Tänkte berätta vad som kommer med på just den som jag fick.

Hon köpte den från Amazon.com och med på dvd finns 2 skiver.

Skiva 1.
- Extended scenes (not seen in theatres)
Audio Comentary by director Catherine Hardwicke, Kristen Stewart och Robert Pattinson
- Music Videos från Muse, Paramore och Linkin Park.

Skiva 2.
En detalierad, 7 delar dokumentar som ger dig den ultimata "insider look" om hur Twilight skapades.
- Deleted Scenes (never seen before)
- Behinde the scenes

(Subtuitles är English SDH* och Espanol)

Hon kom också hem med.

- The complete illustrated movie companion Twilight
(I den finns jätte fina bilder, citat och Utvalda repliker ur Twilight)

- Twilight
Directors Notebook

- Twilight spelet från Cardinal
(Frågesport bordsspel)

Thanks Mom!

Twilight vinner ett pris!

Twilight vinner "the Fandango Fan Choice Award" Grattis!

Of 69,000 film fans who voted, 78% voted for Twilight as the favorite film of 2008 in a poll conducted by Fandango. Says Fandango, "Although it was not the top-grossing film of 2008 (that honor goes to the The Dark Knight), Twilight ended up receiving more fan votes than any other title and went on to win the award [with] a recent Fandango survey [showing] New Moon, the Twilight sequel set for release on November 20, . . . among 2009's most anticipated movies."

För att läsa hela tryck på bilden.

Twilight UK på Facebook

De finns nu Twilight UK på facebook som man hur lätt som helst kan bli medlem på. Vill ni bli medlema tryck bara på bilden.

This is a sister group to the main and brilliant Facebook Twilight Page; this is set up for UK Twilight fans so we can enjoy events, competitions and UK related updates. For fans of the books, films and cast members. Over the next couple of weeks there will be a very exciting competition with some amazing prizes on offer; coupled with an exciting offer for the UK release of Twilight on DVD - April 6th.

Psst: Ni måste vara eller bli medlema på facebook för att kunna bli medlem på Twilight Uk. :)

Twilight release videos

Här är en video med Ashley, Kellan och Rachelle på twilight dvd release partyn.

Den först är från Kitson release party och den andra är från Hot Topic release party.

Sam Bradley’s “Vampire Talk” under Vancouver Show

Sam Bradley sjunger never think och pratar om Twilight.

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