Peter Facinellis Twitter vad

Mtv har gjort en lite intervju med Peter på hur de går på twitter och hans vad. Som sagt så kommer han ge stolen till en lycklig följare.  Peter säger  också att Robert har suttit på han stol vilket får mig att vilja ha den ännu mer! Jag såg nyss att han bara hade 222,858  så kom igen följ!!

MTV: And if that happens, you're going to give away the chair back to a fan?

Facinelli: Yeah. The fans have been having fun with the contest, and I decided last night that if I'm going to lose this chair backing anyway, I'd rather have a fan get it than my friend Rob. So I threw in some incentive last night — if we hit 500,000 by Friday, then I'll give away the backing of my chair to one of my followers.

MTV: How will you decide who gets it?

Facinelli: I like riddles. I think I might do some kind of riddle, and the first person that posts the correct answer will win the chair backing. That sounds more fun than a raffle, right?

MTV: Yeah, and the Twilighters all want the back of your chair really badly.

Facinelli: Especially since Rob Pattinson sat on my chair. It has some RPattz sweat on it.

MTV: Oh God. The winner could hire some CSI guys to remove the hairs and DNA.

Facinelli: Definitely. One day, in the future, you might be able to clone Rob Pattinson if you own the back of my chair. That's all I'm saying.

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