Charlie Bewley pratar med The Lex

  Några tjejer från The Lex hade chansen att intervjua Charlie Bewley (Demitri) och han berättar om New Moon, Demitri och mer.

Did you approach Demetri’s character with a specific agenda in mind, as in to make him scary, yet appealing or simply frightening?

Demetri is a lethal killer with a pretense of charm. Actually, pretense is a little harsh - he genuinely is a Casanova of life, and this might be his biggest weapon.

Felix and Demetri both carry huge threats in our individual powers: Felix is the enforcer; Demetri is the cat to the mouse… thrill of the chase, yada. But it’s when you know you are the best, unrivaled for so long… complacent, almost arrogantly threatening becomes you; so couple that with centuries of acquired knowledge and experience… that’s a whole other level of danger.

Which member of the Volturi do you think the audience will find the most frightening?

Dakota. Jane. Both, in fact, are a little unnerving.

Do you have anything more you’d like to share with Twilight Fans?

I don’t really rollerblade…Much.

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