Robert bekräftar att Breaking Dawn blir film!

Risky Bliss blog har en intervju med Robert och han berättar en sak vi länge velat ha bäkräftad. Breaking Dawn kommer bli till film!
Han berättar också att han bara har 4 inspelningsdagar kvar i New Moon som förmodligen är i Montepulciano.

THR: Let's talk about "Twilight." There are four books. Is the plan for you to do them all?

Pattinson: I have committed to the fourth one, "Breaking Dawn." But I don't know quite when Summit is going to shoot it because of my schedule.

THR: How is the script for "New Moon" different from the second book?

Pattinson: It kind of plays relatively close to it. I would still describe it as being a sort of supporting role (to Bella's story). I think it would have been a bit cheesy if it had just stayed as a voiceover part as my character is a voice in her head in the second book. They've shot these hallucination bits of the film. You're playing a figment of Bella's imagination and I was trying to do it in a really 2-D kind of way. I hope it doesn't come out flat and boring (laughs).

THR: What's the schedule for "New Moon"?

Pattinson: We've got four days left on the shoot for this. I'm going to Italy for the remaining days of the shoot.

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